Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hope for Change

Last night Primero spent some time at his oldest brother’s house. His oldest brother, Mr. J., is expecting his first child in September and Primero is pretty excited about it. They had a nice visit and Primero helped his brother’s girlfriend to understand her WIC checks and after an impromptu shopping excursion, they snacked on some McDonald’s. As Primero was getting ready to leave, his mother showed up. She has been living with Mr. J, his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s mother. Both mothers have a drinking problem and Primero’s mom was noticeably drunk. She saw him and told him, “You know Primero, you are a white boy who thinks he knows everything and gets whatever he wants.” Primero shrugged as he told me this, but I know it upset him. He chalked it up to his mom being drunk, and I’m sure that’s part of it, but I think it has more to do with jealousy. I think she is jealous that he is doing so well and making his way somewhere in the world. And I think the white dig was really more directed towards me, that somehow I’ve made him “white” by association. I really don’t understand her and I really don’t think I want to. I hope Primero is able to brush it off as he said he did when he told me about it, but I think this might be something that sticks with him, as things have in the past. I want to believe there is hope for people, hope they can change and make better decisions, but when I look at his mom that seems foolish. And it all makes me so sad.

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  1. just read the post and i truly hope Primero will be able to brush it off. i found your post via #microblogMonday and now I would like to read your previous posts and follow your story. I look forward to reading your blog.

  2. Hi. I came across your blog last week. I can't get Primero out of my mind as I have two children close in age. I am praying Primero "stays the course" and realizes his future is up to him, and he can make it anything he wants.
