Thursday, March 28, 2019

Side Hustle

If order to help pay for the new van we got last month, I have become an Uber driver. I took my first run last Friday, thinking it would be a busy night to pick up party-goers and whatnot. It turns out I took the same number of riders in less time Sunday night. I was out again last night and got my first long haul, driving an hour away from my house. I prefer the local rides, in areas I mostly know. The long ride lead to me driving shorter trips in a town I didn’t know. I made decent money, but it was a long night. Last night was the first time nearly all of my riders were chatty. My first night hardly anyone spoke to me and it was a very strange experience. I picked up two couples who clearly had a little too much to drink. They were loud and rambunctious and it was strange to sit quietly and not participate in the revelry. I’ve had a few people (at least one per night) who choose to ride upfront with me. They usually tend to be the chatty ones. I had one man suggest I carry a gun and a woman suggest I get pepper spray. I don’t feel unsafe. I suppose there could be a time I do, but if I drive around afraid I should probably not be doing it.  It is convenient to coordinate with Primero’s schedule, tuck the kids in bed and log onto the app when I choose. I have a set amount I want to earn per week and thus far I have exceeded it. The first few nights it was exhilarating to be out of the house alone at night. Last night was the first night it felt grueling, mostly because I was uncomfortable being so far from home. The sense of not knowing what kind of ride I might get is nerve-wracking because I worry about having to take a very long ride. I’m not sure if there is a way for me to limit that, but maybe I will learn as I go. The rider I took the farthest is a woman originally from Africa. She wanted to be able to hire me, without Uber, to drive her to work. She is a late-night nurse at a hospital. I gave her my number but I don’t think I want to make that drive on a regular basis. I am working towards a goal of 30 rides, which would earn me an additional $30 from Uber. And that’s the story of my side hustle….

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