Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Broken Tooth and Transportation Saga

There have been two things stressing me out this week. Transportation for Chica Marie to a new special program that’s supposed to help her get ready to start school in the fall and the impending surgery for Love Bug’s tooth extraction. Here’s the deal:


Many, many moons ago I filled out paperwork for Chica Marie to be assessed for an early intervention type program aimed at getting kids ready for school. Due to my concerns, they set us up for an evaluation. It took me a long time and many phone calls to get the appointment, which was set for November. They sent paperwork asking for consent, which I dutifully gave to my case worker (two case workers ago!) to have the county sign or find bio mom to sign it. I reminded the case worker the week before that I needed this paperwork back for the impending evaluation and she admitted to having forgotten all about it. She hustled to get it signed but bio mom could not be found and so the papers went unsigned. We missed the appointment and I got a strongly worded letter admonishing me for missing the appointment and wasting everyone’s time. I did try to call and let staff know we wouldn’t be coming and the reason why. But, it’s so incredibly hard to reach a live person! And then, once you reach a live person they have NO CLUE what you’re talking about. After the mix-up, I called at least 6 times trying to reschedule before successfully setting up the new appointment, which the signed paperwork, for January. Then the team had 60 days to make a recommendation, set up a second appointment to discuss options if she qualified and to start the program. At the second meeting they told me transportation would call me a few weeks before the class started to let me know the time they would be picking her up. They called me the Monday after Easter when I was home from work and told me they would pick her up at daycare at 7:30 am. I said it wasn’t going to work. I called and spoke with a supervisor last week and I was told the teacher would have to request the change and if they moved the pick up to our home it would be at 8:10 am. I usually leave the house at 8 to get Primero to school by 8:10. I called the teacher. I left messages. I called and spoke to a live person this Monday and she said the teacher was super part-time but she would email her the message that I called. I was at work and missed her call. A few more calls from me and we FINALLY spoke this morning. Chica Marie started class yesterday. I had to take her to daycare, then zigzag across town to take Primero to school and get back to work. I am not willing to do that every Monday and Wednesday until August. When I spoke to the teacher this morning (of course she called while I was at Love Bug’s doctor’s appointment) she said I could drop Chica Marie off at the school at 8:30, but that is the exact time I start work, so no go there. Plus, I would have to pick her up again at 11 and take her to daycare. Nope, not happening. So, the teacher is going to see if she can change the pick up to our home at 8:10. It’s our only hope. Primero will have to walk to school on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. If they can’t change the pick up, then Chica Marie will not be able to attend. But, what a nightmare!!


Now the Love Bug and his tooth saga. He fell Sunday. First thing Monday morning I submitted the incident report via email and also followed up with a phone call to his case worker at CHOR. She called and thanked me for the information. We emailed back and forth regarding how he was feeling and the plans made by the dentist to pull the tooth. Only after I mentioned the need for surgery (to pull the tooth he will need to be under anesthesia) did she ask if I notified the county. Erm, isn’t that your job? She asked me this Tuesday afternoon. Yesterday during lunch she called me to report she could not reach bio mom and since it was already Wednesday and the surgery was for Monday it would have to be postponed. A baby is going to be made to suffer for bureaucratic paperwork? Not acceptable! I was so angry I was crying on the phone. I felt helpless and angry that Love Bug would be made to suffer with a broken tooth for longer simply because his bio mom was not readily available to sign paperwork. How dare they make him suffer for something so stupid! Luckily, when the CHOR case worker emailed the county case worker, she responded with PLEASE DON’T CANCEL THE SURGERY and put the CHOR case worker in touch with the mom. Paperwork was signed last night and the surgery is on. Thank God! Before the phone call from the CHOR case worker, I had emailed her about respite for this weekend (a visit with Primero’s mom is scheduled for Saturday). When she spoke with me last night, she said her supervisor didn’t want Love Bug in respite because he was in pain and so grumpy. So, I’m being punished for standing up for him, but so be it! I will get respite for the visit with Primero’s mom, but that is all. At least we can keep those plans! Everything else I had planned will need to be rescheduled. Sigh.

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