Monday, January 9, 2017

Be happy Mommy

“Be happy, Mommy!” or it could be, “What happen, Mommy?” It’s hard to tell! But, Love Bug’s speech has come a long, long way so despite the fact that both utterances sound the same, I call it a win! He has also started doing this crazy adorable, crazy annoying thing where if I’m talking to someone and he wants to interrupt, but I ignore him, he will lay his hand on my cheek and turn my head to face him. Utterly adorable! Love Bug is through and through a toddler now. The word “no” sends him into hysterics, his food choices vary between “Candy, Mommy!” to “Chicken soup?” and there are only one pair of shoes he will wear – the ones that are the hardest to get on his feet! Last week, with our schedule being out of whack from the holiday’s, he decided he no longer wanted to easily be put to bed. For several nights I would put him to sleep following our normal routine and he would call to me stating he was “all done sleep” or he was “ready to go” to unknown destinations, but certainly not to sleep. He will still tell me, “No, no bed time” when I tell him it's time to go to sleep, but last night he didn’t crawl out of his bed and declare he was “all done.”


Other cute things he does: when we drive past Chica Marie’s school he will call out, “Hellooo!” in this cute sing-song voice. He will also say “Hi” to random people when we are out and about using the same cute ‘Hellooo!” If he sees birds while we are driving he will call out, “Birdie! Birrrdie!” like he is trying to call them to him. He kisses the cats regularly and recently convinced the most snuggly one to take a nap with him as his pillow. When I am making dinner, he insists he must sit on the counter beside me and “supervise” what I am doing and hand me utensils that I don’t need. He has broken or lost all of my wooden spoons, so I need to replace them. He calls them forks, and loves tapping them on things around the house or banging them on his drum. He also asks me, at least 100 times per day, “Could you turn it up?” either for the TV or music. I was working on getting him to say please, so I would ask him what the magic word was and he started saying, “Magic word!” So, instead of “Could you turn it up, please?” he would say, “Could you turn it up, magic word!” Yeah, toddlers are hella literal. When my throat hurt and I couldn’t talk above a whisper, Love Bug would whisper to imitate me or move his mouth as if he was speaking but not make a noise. Despite his neediness (he would still rather spend his time attached to my hip than not) and semi-frequent temper tantrums, Love Bug is a joy and it is so exciting watching him learn and grow.

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  1. You sound like a typical mum & toddler combo - the way he lays his hand on your cheek and turns your head to face him sounds really tender and sweet. I hope you'll have a lovely future with Love Bug and Chica Marie.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it usually is tender and sweet. Thank you for your well wishes. :)

  3. So cute! And smart to write it all down. It feels like it goes by so fast.

    1. It is going by so fast! I can't believe he's a toddler already!

  4. “Could you turn it up, magic word! that's so cute.

  5. So so cute. I was able to see the instances through your words. Precious!

    1. Thank you. I'm trying to capture as much as I can of this little stage. His vocabulary is changing and increasing so rapidly now!
