Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unexpectedly Emotional Day in Court

So, Saturday was supposed to be a day for Primero and I to reminisce about our year together and celebrate our beautiful relationship. But, that’s not how things happened. Primero had a presentation for his after school program and he needed to be at the facility by 11 am. Since the program started at 1, I decided to have a massage (the little ones were in respite) and then come back for the program which lasted until 3. When we started talking about our one year anniversary celebration Primero had all these great plans and things he wanted us to do. He was excited and so was I. When we found out he would be occupied with his after school program event, I was disappointed. It ruined the day for me because I knew it meant taking him there early, going to the show, waiting for him to extract himself from his friends, listening to him rehash the show and by that time the day would be done. So, I was bummed. And with all the other issues swirling in my head, I got a bad attitude about it. And that didn’t help matters.

So, Saturday morning comes around and I make breakfast and give Primero the card I wrote him, something heartfelt and meaningful to me. I kind of suspected he had made me one of his lovely drawings, since he had just made one to celebrate 5 months with his girlfriend and because he made me something so beautiful for Mother’s Day last year. I was wrong. He didn’t even give me a hug that morning. When I tried to reminisce with him, he changed the subject to talk about his friends and show me their snapchat videos. I felt like I was nothing. I felt like he didn’t care a wit about me or about being a year in my home. I was crushed and spent my entire massage crying rather than relaxing. I tried to put on a happy face but I’m terrible at hiding my emotions. He asked me afterwards what was wrong and when I told him, he lost it. He screamed at me and then stopped talking to me altogether. For hours. We went to see the movie he wanted to see with my friend (she broke her ankle slipping on the ice and I had agreed to take her to the bank and then ended up taking her with us to the movies and dinner, since Primero was not talking to me). We sat on the ground row since she couldn’t navigate the stairs and Primero sat at the very top row. I was miserable, he was miserable, it was a terrible day. When we got home that night he finally began talking to me and we’ve patched things up a little more each day since.  

Yesterday we had court. Now, for me, court with Primero has simply been a show up, see the magistrate, move on with little change sort of exercise. In other words, it’s been easy, his bio mom was not at any of the previous hearings and things went smoothly and as expected. So, I had no inclination that yesterday would be the emotional mess that it was.

Primero and I were the first to arrive at court yesterday followed by a case worker supervisor from CHOR (our case worker was home with the stomach flu). Primero had asked me if his mother was going to be there (she had not been at the previous two court hearings we attended last year) and I said she would have been invited. We discovered upon registering that Hermano would also be there for court. Primero text bio mom to see if she was coming and she told him she was with her parole officer on floor 7. He wanted to go down and see her and I said we should wait for her to come up, which she did. So, we were all standing around waiting until finally Hermano and his foster mother and the case worker from the new agency showed up. Hermano gave me a big bear hug and we talked briefly. His new foster mother walked past all of us without even saying hello. Bio mom got a little miffed with her, stating she didn’t like how “some of these foster parents act like they better than all of us.” I guess in this instance, she had a point.

Not long after that we were ushered downstairs for court and then finally into the court room. They began by talking about Hermano’s case and there were glowing reports, bio mom was commended for doing all the things she was asked to do and the only thing remaining was for her to find stable housing. Hermano was also given kudos for the work he has been doing and told to keep it up. Hermano is allowed to have unsupervised visits with his mom as often as they like and the boys were granted visits together at least every other week either with me or at an after school program, like where Primero goes. There was a brief discussion as to why efforts were not made for the boys to be placed together, since it was noted that Hermano is in his third foster home. When this question was posed, there was a long pause, as it seems no one (the GAL, the CYS attorney, the CYS case worker for Hermano) knew the answer. Finally, the GAL mentioned that Primero was living with me at the time and that I was not able to take in another placement (or that they wouldn’t let me take in another placement due to having three currently). Still, the magistrate didn’t seem to think this demonstrated that “all reasonable effort” was made, but she moved on.  

They then spoke about Primero’s case and it was noted that TPR would be occurring in the coming weeks and that his case was moving along for PLC/adoption. All during court Primero was rather jovial, I think just enjoying the time spent with his mom and brother. After court Hermano was confused and was asking his case worker about what happened during his case review. So, once again it was said how great things are going how he seems to be on track to go back home and how both he and bio mom just need to keep doing what they are doing. Hermano and his foster mom and case worker left at this point. Both county workers and the CHOR worker were talking and bio mom, Primero and I had walked into the hallway. I had noticed Primero’s mood had changed as the case was discussed with his brother and county case worker. He was pulling away from the group and no longer interacting with his family. Unfortunately, I was talking to his county case worker (about him having visits with bio mom because she asked about it when we were waiting before court – the county worker said it would be fine for me to facilitate the visits since they wouldn’t be pursuing visits this close to TPR and it was agreed the visits should be supervised) and not paying as close attention to Primero at the time.


So, as we stood in the hallway, he was facing the elevators and bio mom asked me what was wrong with him because he would not talk to anyone and refused to turn around. It was at that point I heard him sniffling and saw his shoulders shaking. I instantly knew what was wrong because in my head all during the case reviews I was thinking, “Wow, this is messed up! I wish they weren’t talking about Hermano’s case and all its fabulousness in front of Primero!” I knew he was thinking, “Why are things going differently for Hermano?” And that is how he felt. He told me later in the car that he’s happy Hermano and bio mom have been able to better themselves and that they are doing so well right now, but he doesn’t understand why his mom is working so hard to get Hermano back when it seemed like she didn’t do a thing to get him back. When I told bio mom why I suspected Primero was upset she retorted, “ Well, he wanted to be adopted.” And while that is true (most days), it doesn’t make hearing his brother won’t have to travel that road any easier. It seemed like her guilt at losing him was causing her to push the responsibility back on Primero – like it was his fault he was being adopted and not related to anything she did or didn’t do. It made me angry. She did tell him he won’t lose her, she isn’t going anywhere and that she loves him. She then made him come over and hug me. My heart broke for him.

We took bio mom home but he didn’t really speak to her while she was in the car. Her and I spoke a little and she wanted him to give her my number, so we could talk in the future. She said I could ask her anything and also accused me of being stand-offish at times (Primero later told me she was talking about Christmas – I told him it was awkward for me and I was really just trying to let them have family time and not interrupt with my presence). I don’t really know what she wants from me. I’ve never been anything but cordial towards her. I don’t’ really want to be her bff. I’m sorry, but I don’t. I know that Primero would like that, he would truly like if we were good friends, but I just don’t think that would happen. Our personalities clash more than they mesh and mostly I just feel awkward around her. Her telling me I’m stand-offish made me realize that I do have to make more of an effort to push past my feelings of discomfort and try to be more welcoming of her. Simply for the sake of Primero. I’m sorry to say, but it won’t be easy. Primero might be forgiving and let her off the hook for all the shit she put him through, but I just can’t draw close to her knowing how badly she hurt the son I love so much. And how she is still hurting him with this latest development. She blames the county for taking her son and refuses to admit that her actions played a role in his removal and subsequent adoption. When I reported what happened to Primero’s usual case worker she mentioned that in the beginning bio mom was doing what she needed to do to get Primero back, so I guess the fat lady has not yet sung for Hermano’s case. Still, it’s an ugly thing this reality of foster care and adoption. And, no matter how much I love him, I will never be able to love away his desire to be wanted by his bio mom. I won’t ever be enough, in that sense.

After we dropped off bio mom we headed to the mall for some retail therapy and Primero started crying again. He said he was angry at himself for crying in front of the case workers and in public. But, he was also hurt. He said he just didn’t understand why his mom was working so hard to get Hermano back. He wanted to know what was different between himself and Hermano that made her change and do everything she needed to do when she didn’t do anything for him. He said he felt like he didn’t matter.  I just tried to validate his feelings, let him know he shouldn’t try to hide or stuff his feelings but let them out. I said he had a right to feel what he was feeling, hurt, disappointed, angry, rejected. I also told him he had plenty of people to talk to about it, including me. Before she left the car bio mom asked Primero to call her later that night to “curse her out.” He called her and had a 60 second conversation. I heard him utter under his breath after he hung up (I guess she was busy when he called?), “I don’t know why she told me to call her.”


I think, as TPR and finalization creep closer and reality is staring him in the face, Primero is fearful of change and the future. I think, ever since he went to see his mom without permission, he’s developed this fantasy that she will work a miracle and “get him back” and I think this is some of the reason we have been struggling lately. We are both stressing over False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). He fears that since he “messed up” I would kick him out (as has happened to him in the past with other adults) and so he’s been pulling away and questioning if he really wants to be adopted or if he should wait for the fantasy to become reality. I have been fearing his rejection and that I’m losing him, just as I lost Flaco and all the other placements I have loved. He thought that, after he was adopted, his mom could take me to court to get him back, if she stayed on the straight and narrow and could prove it to the courts. I think he’s caught between the past happy memories of the mother he wants his mom to be and the reality of it all. And so he’s wishy-washy about adoption because it would essentially bring all those fantasies to a close. He had been feeling doubts again last week and didn’t tell me about it until Monday. I was hurt that he never said anything to me because I don’t want him to feel like he can’t talk to me about things. He said to me last night that he doesn’t want to hurt bio mom or me, that he wants to make us both happy. I told him this decision (adoption) needs to be him making the best decision for himself and that we are both adults and will be fine and support his decision. It was a very (unexpectedly) emotional day yesterday!

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