Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Revealing Plan

I think Primero and his sister are concocting a scheme. It’s just a sense I have about things. His sister is unhappy in her current home right now and since she spent a weekend with us and both siblings had a lovely time, I think they are trying to make it permanent. He asked to have her come over tonight and spend the night and I agreed. She wants to come over the weekend again and I said that’s fine. I have no problem with her spending time at our place. I grew up with my younger siblings and our only separation during childhood was sleep-overs and being in different grades at school. On the farm, we mostly had each other to play with or spend time with and even as I got older (and my brother morphed into the alien) I chose to spend time with my sister, taking her places with me. I’m sure I would have been devastated if my younger sister had been taken to live with another family and I couldn’t spend time with her. In fact, it was incredibly hard when I left for college because she was so far away and I missed out on parts of her life and she missed out on parts of my life. So, I get the scheming and the thoughts on how nice it would be. I wish my house were a bit bigger so I could accommodate his sister and not get into hot water with CHOR or the county. My sneaking suspicion is that they would oppose her moving in because of the strict limit on capacity due to the size of the home. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask…..

Last night we attended the after school banquet at CHOR. It was much different attending this year because of having the little kids in addition to Primero. I was trying to keep a squirmy Love Bug content while the case workers were announcing the awards. Chica Marie was sitting with another family because their daughter let her play on her cell phone. Primero was at a different table with some of the other teens. As the names of other children were being called I heard two names that shocked me. I had been contacted about these two boys as an adoptive resource two years ago! [See more on this story here,,,,,] My heart skipped a beat. I hoped that these two boys didn’t have their adoption disrupted and were sent back to foster care, which was my fear. After the awards presentation I walked over to the foster mom to find out. She had been the foster mother for Chica Marie’s older sister, so we talked about that first before I asked about the boys. It turns out she was the other family that the county chose instead of me! I was so glad I nearly cried! She said she has been waiting these two years to officially adopt the boys and hopes it will be next month. I told her why I asked, that I worried they had been sent back into the system and she said they have been with her since the county made the decision she could adopt them. And then we smiled about how it all worked out – she’s adopting the boys and I have the three children that fit so well with me. I thanked God for His divine wisdom in this story and for revealing it to me. I’m so glad we went the banquet last night and I’m so thankful the two little boys found the very best home for them.

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