Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Last Minute Meeting that Wasn't

I posted the previous post, written earlier. During my lunch break at work the CHOR case worker called me, informing me she had just gotten an email at 12:30 stating the meeting was on for this afternoon at 2 pm. Um, what? Nothing like last minute notice! Crazy panic and a bevy of emails later and the meeting was off because the GAL couldn’t make it. I didn’t even know the GAL was going to be there. Partially, I’m impressed that the GAL wanted to be there, but also scared. This is such a big deal right now! As far as I know, we still have court Tuesday morning. Last I heard the powers that be are trying to get a meeting set for next Friday afternoon, 3 days after court. The question remains, what’s happening at court? And how will I not pepper anyone willing to listen with umpteen questions when we are at court on Tuesday? I hate this whole mess!


  1. Hope you get some proper answers soon

  2. So sorry for you and kiddos to have this dragged out. Hope there are some answers before tuesday
