Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Adoption Day

Today was the big day. And of course we were late. Time got away from me as we were getting ready and so we had to rush to get the little ones to the daycare and then into the court house. Of course there was a loooong line to get through the metal detectors and it seemed like EVERYONE was adopting this day! We got to the CYS office late and it was a total zoo, but fortunately our county worker found us and we went to the old court house (which means riding the elevator down to the connecting bridge and then back up to the right floor). We waited outside for awhile and noticed a family there for a private adoption (not CYS related). The case worker leaned over to me and whispered, "That baby is from Arizona." She had been eavesdropping. Unfortunately, we soon discovered we were in the wrong place and our poor CHOR adoption worker had been calling me frantically trying to find out where we were. Another elevator ride and soon we were ushered inside the court room. I was quickly shoved up to the stand and sworn in. My lawyer (whom I had never met before that very minute) asked me some mundane questions, like my full name, age, address and if I intended to adopt Primero. The lawyer asked me to tell the judge why I wanted to adopt Primero. I said, "I never intended to adopt a teenager. Primero came to stay with me in respite on weekends for two months, then moved in temporarily. The hardest decision was to have him stay permanently. When I was asked to adopt him and give him a permanent home it was an easy decision (And this is where I started to cry) because he's such an amazing young man (now I'm crying so hard I can't hardly talk) and I'm so blessed to have him in my life." And then I sobbed before the lawyer thanked me and I went to my seat. Primero went to the stand next and was asked the same mundane question before the lawyer asked if he knew why he was there today. She then asked him if he wanted to be adopted by me and he said an emphatic YES! And it was all over! I'm a MOM!!!!!!!