Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Ill-fitting Pants

I have been wearing the wrong pants. Figuratively, not literally. It’s no secret that I have not had much luck in the love category. My ex-husband was a narcissistic jerk who tore my heart out of my chest. I never really had a relationship before him, but since then I have encountered a guy who was sweet and we got along, but he never made time for me. I dated someone very intellectual but also very timid. We remain friends. I dated someone who could hardly hold a conversation with me. We are also still sort-of friends. More recently I dated someone who I just wasn’t falling for, so I broke it off and he acted like a jerk. There was someone I was really into until I realized we wanted different things in life. And my most recent whirlwind with Toxic Friend’s brother who was just looking for a sugar momma. Not to mention all the dates from online dating platforms – so many dates! Before my ex, I thought I was just not meeting someone who was interested in me. My mom told me I was intimidating. I have no idea how or why, but it seemed through my teenage years and young adulthood, she was right. I thought maybe I was too much of something (headstrong, independent, loud, fat) and not enough of something else (thin, pretty, coy, sexy, flirtatious, good at making a man feel good about himself). Now, I realize I was just trying on different pants and not finding the right fit. I deserve a nice pair of pants, that fit me loose in the waist, that flatter me and make me feel like a million bucks. It is hard, being pant-less, but I’m tired of pulling on crappy, ill-fitting pants hoping I can make them work. I am a good person, I make a good partner and I deserve someone who is willing to see that value. For too long I allowed infertility to make me feel less-worthy of a loving relationship. I would always timidly answer the questions about future children and hold my breath for the response. If any man is reading this, you don’t have magic sperm that will impregnate a woman who doesn’t ovulate! It seems to be a common response when I reveal I am infertile.


Most of the time I’m totally fine being alone. It is harder after being with someone, even briefly, to go back to being alone. I want to remain optimistic, but I don’t really go places to meet new people, so I try to keep my expectations low. I don’t even know where I would go, if I suddenly had the free time to be out on my own. I used to dream about meeting someone at the grocery store because that seemed a likely place given I go there all the time. A lot of people say you find someone when you aren’t looking or, if you believe in the law of attraction, you can will them into being. I don’t know about all of that, honestly. But, I do know you cannot offer someone something you do not have. I cannot offer a relationship with someone if I don’t have a solid relationship with myself first. For pretty much all of my life I have hated my body. It wasn’t what I wanted it to be and rather than strive to make improvements, I chose to wallow in self-loathing. I have found a zillion different techniques to help me improve my physical body and I almost always quit before I even start. I need to start with my mind. I can no longer hate my body because it is mine and hating it allows others to degrade me, to lessen my worth. And I deserve more than that. I deserve better than that. I deserve pants that fit me well.


  1. Yes you deserve some perfectly fitting pants! Hopefully this year you will meet someone nice :)

  2. I like this analogy. Especially as I hate shopping for pants, but now just accept that there are some that are right for me, and many that are not. (Though I'm actually talking about pants!)

    Yes, you deserve this. And I'm glad you're letting go of the self-loathing. Good for you.
