Thursday, August 23, 2018

Opening a Line of Communication

 After seeing the little one’s mom at the pool, I promised to send her some pictures of the kids. She asked me to give them to her mom, to send along to her and I complied. I also enclosed a note for her. It read:


“I hope you enjoy the pictures I’ve enclosed. I’m not sure if you like getting them or if perhaps you would rather not. Chica Maire really likes having a picture book with photos of you and all her family. She sits and looks at the pictures and rearranges them in her picture book. Both of the kids really enjoyed bumping into you at the Cinco de Mayo festival and the pool. We would really like to be able to see you more often, if you would like. I have been considering setting up a private Facebook account, if you would like, and I could post various pictures and videos there for you to see. It would be a nice way to keep in touch. If not, I will put my personal information below. I just know it would help the kids to know they could see you from time-to-time. I don’t know how you feel about that, but if you are up to it, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Hope you are well!”


I didn’t really know what to expect, but I wanted to try to open a line of communication. I was surprised when I got a text message stating:


“Hello. This is [kids mom]. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you writing me that touching letter. I was so happy to run into you those few times. It took me so much courage to walk up to you but I knew if I didn’t that my heart would regret it. I would love to be involved in anything that you see fit. Whatever it is that you would like I am more than willing to participate. Thank you so much for loving the kids the way you do. This is my phone number please connect with me anytime.”


I know it took a lot of courage for her to come up to us. I know it wasn’t easy and she didn’t know how I would react. I’m glad everything went as well as it did and I truly hope we are able to arrange some time for her to spend with the kids on a regular basis. And I am so happy to see her in a much healthier place in her life. I know what she has been through hasn’t been easy. We shall see how things are going forward, but at the very least, as the kids get older, they can see how hard we both tried to keep them at the center of it all.

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