Monday, August 6, 2018

Period Tracker

I was trying to find a menstrual tracker that didn’t also want to show me when I probably ovulated. I was seeking a way to simply keep track of when to expect my period, something I have not done since trying to get pregnant. Tracking my period was an obsession that did more harm than good because my period was irregular and never indicated ovulation. Since I gave up trying to get pregnant, I also gave up caring when or if I got my period. Oddly, it has been mostly regular since then, but regular does not mean ovulation for my body. Regardless, I need to set up my annual gynecological visit and I know they ask a million times the date of my last period and I had a best guess instead of an actual date. I wanted an out-of-my-head way of tracking my menstrual cycle but when I checked my phone for an app the only ones I seemed to find were directed at women wanting to know when they were ovulating so they could time intercourse to either create or avoid pregnancy. Sigh. I really don’t need that. I don’t want to get sucked into obsessing about ovulation, even if it would be meaningless since I’m without a partner. I just don’t need that added reminder that my body doesn’t work how it is supposed to. I just want some frill-less little app that says, “Hey Aunt Flo is due!” and allows me to look back at past period dates. I guess I should just use my calendar because the one I finally chose, which seemed less ovulation involved, asked me to add my partner so he could get reminders about my cycle. Are there actually men out there who would want to know that much information about my cycle? If I were a tech person, I would create an app for infertile people who just want to keep track of their damn period and not get concerned with the other things their bodies can’t do. I would make it light-hearted and matter-of-fact and maybe throw in some random, did-you-know tidbits about women’s health and the history and myths about menstruation. Has anyone used a period-tracking app they like that isn’t heavy on the ovulation, baby-making piece?

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  1. I actually use two on my phone to keep track of my teens periods. One is called Life and the other is Period Tracker lite (free version). While all of these do have an ovulation piece (marked on the calendar with symbols) with the notifications off you would have to go look for it. They are both easy to find the cycle list and see the list of past cycle lengths and dates. If you don’t input any other info, it’s literally just a period tracker. I use 2 different apps for the girls so I don’t mix them up, and also I don’t know if there is a way to track multiple people. These two apps seemed the least like TTC apps when I searched for them a couple years ago.

    1. Also when you open the app it immediately takes you to number of days til expected period (based on length of past cycles) so you immediately have some clue as to when you *might* get your period again.

    2. Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out! :)
