Monday, June 27, 2016

Happy Birthday Love Bug #Microblog Monday

Today Love Bug is two years old – two! I cannot believe it! I was so fearful in the beginning that I wouldn’t get to celebrate any birthdays with him and here we are at number two. Love Bug is such a delight and so loveable. I am so blessed to have him in my life, so crazy in love with his smile and his hugs. He is really the best hugger! I still pinch myself when I think about how lucky I am to be raising him, to have had him with me his entire life. I can’t fathom my life without him and yet, I know nothing is a given in foster care. I look forward to watching him grow and wishing he was tiny again for just a moment because he’s my baby boy.


Can I just tell you how darn cute Love Bug is? I can’t share photos but I can paint a picture for you with my words. Love Bug is looking less like a toddler and more like a little boy, but I suspect he will hold onto his baby face for a while longer. His cuteness is more than his gap-toothed smile and long, thick eyelashes, it is in how inquisitive he is and how he loves. I was holding him the other night and Chica Marie was sitting beside me. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. Love Bug did not want to be out done so he leaned in for me to kiss him on the forehead. Chica Marie gave me another kiss and this time lingered with her lips on my cheek. Love Bug tried to push her away while grabbing my face and planting a big wet kiss on my lips. It was about the most precious thing you could imagine!


Most nights Love Bug wakes up and ends up in bed with me. I have given up the fight to get him back to his own bed and just live with his toes wedged firmly between my ribs or vertebra. On the weekends, when I wish to sleep in, Love Bug wakes me up in various forms. Generally, he flops himself on me saying, “Ninny!” This is his name for me. I don’t know why, because he can say mama, but he calls me Ninny. Sometimes, he whispers my name until I open my eyes, sometimes he crawls on top of me and doesn’t say a word. One morning, I woke up to his lips pressed firmly to mine as if he thought to wake me with true love's kiss. Lately, he has been saying, “Hi Ninny!” when he wakes up in lieu of good morning. If I don’t rouse when he tries to wake me, he will slide off the bed and explore the living room and get into trouble there until I wake up to access the damage. Many mornings he will find his sister in her room and wake her to join him in his escapades.


Love Bug is still struggling with his speech, but we are seeing improvements. His speech therapist was pleased with him saying the word “please” more clearly. Sure he still says “pwease” but that’s an improvement over “peas.” He is also stuck on the word “hot” because one morning I had made him oatmeal and he was angry he couldn’t eat it right away. I was trying to convey to him it was hot and thus could burn his mouth if he tried to eat it. I was stirring and blowing on the oatmeal saying, “Hot Love Bug, it’s hot!” I guess that was all it took because hot became his new favorite word! His toddler speak is quite adorable!


So, I am wishing a very Happy Birthday to my dear sweet Love Bug and may he have many, many more!

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.


  1. Happy birthday, Love Bug! Such a sweet description of a sweet little boy. Excellent word painting, no picture required!
