Thursday, February 3, 2011

6 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed . . .

     I know, random. It's been a random kind of day. This morning I went back to the Fertility Doctor for another ultrasound and more blood donation. I hobbled in on my crutches, nearly falling on the ice outside the door. For the first time in the past 3 weeks, there was another couple waiting when we went inside. I don't know why this bothered me, but it did. I mean, I know they have other patients, but for whatever reason we have never come across anyone else. On our way out there were another two couples waiting. All three couples we saw were young-looking (probably near our ages).
     I managed to gingerly slide my mangled and bandaged foot into the stirrup, with the help of the nurse. The ultrasound showed 6 (thus the 6 monkeys jumping on the bed song popping into my head) follicles maturing. They are estimating I will ovulate this weekend and the nurse declared, "You are responding well to the Clomid Challenge." I wanted to ask for a gold medal (sense the sarcasm?). I was a little freaked out by the 6 follicles, but the nurse assured me that this was not an issue, since not all the follicles will mature into eggs. The human body is such a confuzzled thing! She also told us to have sex every day or every other day from now until Sunday. Flaco took his homework seriously and after some propping with pillows, we managed to get started on this mandate.
     After the fun at the infertility clinic, we headed off to the orthopedic doctors office to get the foot taken care of. I got a sexy blue shoe which doesn't allow me to talk normally (it is flat so I can't push off with my toes). It still hurts a bit, so I still use the crutches. But, the toe should heal all on it's own and no surgery is needed. I was given an excuse to be out of work until next Thursday, so I never went into the office today. But, I am going tomorrow. What is the point in sitting around the house when I am perfectly capable of working? I cannot drive so Flaco will need to take me to work and a friend will bring me home. Sigh.
     So, as I am relaxing with my foot propped up, catching up on the newest episodes of Bones and What not to Wear, the nurse from this morning called me. She said my hormonal levels are a little on the high side and that I should drink a lot of water. I might feel "a little full" in my lower abdomen. They will double check these levels on Monday. I really don't know what this means, but I am feeling fine (other than the toe, but that has nothing to do with my ovaries).
     I don't know how I feel about all of this. I asked Flaco if he thought we would get pregnant this month and he doesn't think so. He thinks it will happen next month. I am optimistic - I mean we have follicles and they look like they are getting ready to pop on out of the ovaries. We just need to make sure they meet up with a few good sperm and then stick around to form a baby. I thought I would be over the moon with excitement because we have been getting nothing but good news thus far. Maybe I am just trying to keep myself calm and just take whatever comes our way. Well, maybe not 6 kids all at one shot . . . . Or, perhaps I am too weary to put my heart out there again and dare to believe that this month might be our month. I have been uncharastically calm to date. Maybe, breaking my toe was a good way to distract myself during this excruciating waiting game.
     Although I tried not to, I looked up when my estimated due date would be and it is exactly a month after my 30th birthday (my birthday is October first, the estimated due date is November first). I know that it is totally jumping-the-gun-putting-the-horse-before-the-cart-counting-my-chickens-before-they-hatch kind of crazy, but I couldn't help myself. I have been dreaming about it for over two years now. Even longer, since I think I have always wanted to be a mother. Today when I was getting a prescription filled there was a little girl (older than one but not quite two) waiting with her mom who was getting her prescription filled. The little girl was playing with bottles of cough medicine. She was enthralled by me and my crutch, so decided I deserved a bottle of Robitussin. She even put it back when I handed it back to her. As her mother was herding her out of the store, she apologized to me. I told her not to worry about it, but what I was really saying was that interacting with a baby, even one I don't know, somehow warms my heart (even as it breaks my heart in the process).
     My mom called me to see how the doctors office visit went this morning. I explained about the 6 follicles and the high hormone levels. I told her I was hoping this would be our month and she said, "We are too! We are anxiously waiting for a grandbaby!" She then told me that she caught my dad telling their cat, Oliver (he was a kitten from the barn who fell out of the hay mow and his mother abandoned him. He can't see very well and hardly at all. He is incredibly spoiled and very rigid in his routines), that they have to dote on him and give him all their love because they don't have a grandchild to spoil. This makes me sad, but we are doing all that we can do to give them a grandchild. We shall stay the course and march onward. At least until Monday. Think fertile thoughts!


  1. Six little monkeys is great! Usually if they tell you your levels are high and you should drink lots of fluid, it means you have a touch of OHSS. But a lot of women get a mild form of that every medicated cycle. Nothing to worry about unless you put on 5 to 8 pounds over a day or two. Then check back with your doctor.

    My mother calls my two dogs her "grand-doggers" and has, for nine years, because she was convinced long before I even started trying that my endometriosis was going to prevent me from having "real" grandchildren. As hard as it is, you just worry about you and what your goal is. I have no doubt that you will be giving your parents a grandchild soon enough.

  2. Thank you for your insight. OHSS - over stimulated ovaries? I should have asked the nurse more about it, but sometimes it's hard to keep my head on straight. I appreciate you clearing that up for me!
    My parents call my dogs their grandpuppies. My mom struggled 5 years to have a baby, so I know deep down she must understand. I think it is just their way of expressing how it hurts them to see me and my husband in the same situation. We will eventually produce the grandchild(ren) they are anxiously awaiting. I just hope it doesn't take too much longer! :)
