Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Calamity Jane

     Before I get to any infertility related news, first let me recount what has happened to me in the past 24 hours or so. . . . Last night I was dashing out of our bedroom bound for the bathroom. I was wearing slippers and slipped while making the turn and slammed into the wall. My toes cushioned my impact. Unfortunately, there was nothing to cushion my toes. It hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Flaco taped the poor toe (hanging at an odd angle) to his neighbor. I didn't sleep well because the weight of the comforter on my toe. This morning, I briefly opened my eyes to check if the electricity was still on and noticed the comforting blue light on the Direct TV box. I briefly drifted back to sleep. Then, as my alarm was blaring in my ear, I heard a huge BOOM! At first, I was like, "Who is shooting off fireworks in an ice storm?!" Until I realized it was the transformer across the street. I had to do my hair and make-up by the light of a few candles. I nearly singed my hair trying to get the candle closer to my face so I could see! Since, I couldn't make breakfast (and we didn't have any cereal in the house) I went outside to clean off my car, which was thoroughly encased in ice. Trying to relieve the poor windshield wiper from the thick ice surrounding it, I accidentally broke the wiper. Broke it into 15 million pieces. Flaco had to take one from his car and put it on mine (he wouldn't need his car because he can walk the two blocks to work). I got to work fine, thank God.
     Now, this is not the first time I have broken a toe. I am something of a klutz and have managed to damage my poor phalanges previously. It hurts. Taping the toes together and wearing sturdy shoes helps and after a day or so the pain lessens and you almost forget you broke your toe (until you stub it again). But, this time it hurt so bad, I could hardly walk. The pain was making my head hurt (probably from grimacing) and my stomach ache. But, worse than the pain, my toe was seriously pointing in the wrong direction and I was afraid if someone didn't "pop" it back into place it would forever be deformed. I'll admit it, I was thinking about wearing sandals with a deformed toe and was feeling pretty vain, so I decided to call my doctor's office. The doctor was not in the office today, the rude receptionist informed me. She suggested I go to the ER or an urgent care facility. I have been using quite a few hours of my "sick" time for doctors appointment lately, so I did not want to leave work early today. So, I just gimped around all day. After work I went to the urgent care center and was seen right away. I peeled off my winter boot and sock gingerly and the doctor picked off the tape. My toe had blossomed into a purple bloated monster, vaguely resembling my toe (although, my pedicure from a few weeks ago still looks very nice). She pressed a few places, asking if it hurt, then said I would need to get an X-ray to make sure my joint was not broken. The X-ray technician asked if there was a chance I could be pregnant. Boy, what a loaded question! I explained that while I was trying to get pregnant, I was not currently pregnant because I just saw the little follicles on Tuesday and they are still all snug as a bug in a rug in my ovaries. She let me see the X-rays right after they were taken, which was cool, and it didn't take a doctor to see the break. The second to last toe is broken right above the joint where the toe joins the foot. The doctor put on a soft cast so I can't walk and sent me home with crutches. Seriously. I need this like I need a hole in my head! Good news? The electricity came back on around noon and my husband's windshield wiper worked just fine on my car.
     So, tomorrow I am returning to the Infertility Doctor for a blood test and for another ultrasound to check on the little follicles. Poor Flaco has to take me there and then to work. He will need to come get me after work too, since I can't drive with this cast on. I could take the cast off, but it looks to hard to get back on by myself. And with it, I am in a lot less pain. I will have to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor to get the toe set and get a fancy boot cast. I wonder how I will get my damaged appendage into the stirrups tomorrow . . . . ? I am such a hot mess!


  1. geesh. what a rough day. thinking of a cast in a stirrup makes me laugh out loud.

  2. It was pretty funny! I just needed help guiding it in, since I couldn't feel a thing. Plus, I didn't want to bump it. At least today has been a much better day! And, I got to call in "broken" to work today! :)
