Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The doctor says. . . .

     This afternoon, before the impending ice storm entraps us in our house, we had yet another appointment with the Infertility Doctor. First, the obligatory vial of blood, then they performed a saline ultrasound. Now, generally when a doctor prescribes you a medication for pain, even if it is just extra-strength Ibuprofen, you kind of expect the procedure to hurt like H-E-double-hockey-sticks. But for me, it wasn't painful, just a slight cramp, not even as bad as a period cramp. I was more uncomfortable about the nursing student hovering in the corner (I think I mentioned before that I am not a fan of putting the hoo-ha out there for all the world to see - even under the guise of medical necessity). I am in the oh-so-familiar compromised position, feet firmly in the stirrups when they jack the table up into the air and tilt me back like some crazy slo-mo tilt-a-whirl. I suppose this was to better position me for the spec, tube, and water they were squirting inside. So, the ultrasound revealed that my uterus is empty which I guess means no fibroids or other abnormalities. The nurse assured me this is good news. So, it basically boils down to my inability to ovulate, which they are treating with Clomid (for now). The doctor and nurse counted 3-4 follicles developing in my ovaries and we are hoping these little suckers can squeeze past the cysts and find a nice new home in my (empty) uterus. Then the doctor muttered, "There is a chance of twinning," which reminded me of when we had sheep and they had lambs - I don't know why. . . . So, I go back on Thursday for another ultrasound and more blood (for the love!!!) to check on those little follicles. Then they will tell us when to do the nasty. In the meantime, we are crossing our fingers so that we do not lose power in what has been termed "the storm of the century." I think it is a little too early to start calling anything "the event of the century," considering we are only into the second decade of the century, although I suppose none of us will be around to see if there is another storm to top this one. . . . . Think happy follicle thoughts!
     This round of Clomid has resulted in serious hot-flashes! I have been having a lot of my own personal summers. The dizziness hasn't been too bad and the headaches seem to have subsided. BUT . . . . The hormones! Holy Hannah Montana! Last night, I wanted to rip my husband to shreds, just for irritating me. Tonight, I could bawl my eyes out and I can't figure out why (other than the evil Clomid). I am crazy hormonal lady all over again. I did not miss this hot-mess-city last month (when I was not taking Clomid). All for the sake of filling my arms with our beautiful baby. . . .


  1. Good luck with your u/s this week... grow baby grow!!! PS I am getting ready to start my 2nd cycle- prob again with chlomid... however, I had horrible night sweats - so miserable I had to sleep in another room from my husband and dog b/c of their body heat!

  2. Wow on the night sweats! Yeah, I've woken up wet from sweating in my sleep. It's gross! This time it seems to happen more during the day and I feel like I need someone to hose me down! Good luck on your second Clomid cycle! I am thinking fertile thoughts for you! :)

  3. Pretty good timing for your "own personal summer" given the cold weather. Good luck on the next scan
