Friday, May 8, 2015

I'm Not Real

I managed to hold it together until we were leaving, walking back down the same halls I traversed last year to pick up Love Bug. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. All of it, every last pebble slammed into my mind at once and  I was undone. I took deep breaths, trying to keep myself calm, but the hot tears strained against my lashes until they could no longer be contained. I blinked to wash them away, but still the tears came, faster and faster. The harder I tried to hold them back the more the pain in my chest grew until I was nearly gasping for air under the weight of it all. Thankfully, we reached the elevator and I could slump against the railing as we glided to the ground floor. The weight lifted as we exited the hospital and I could finally breathe regularly in the car after a few more deep breaths to soothe my crumpled emotions. I was so glad it was over.

Primero and I went to visit his girlfriend and her new baby in the hospital. It was as awkward and difficult as I imagined it would be. We found her with little issue and were buzzed onto the floor. Primero walked into her room well ahead of me and when I was finally behind the curtain I saw his girlfriend in the bed, her brother and mother on the couch with her mother holding the baby. Her mother did not smile. She grunted hello and returned her focus on the baby. She did not ask who I was, she did not glance at the gift we had brought, nothing. A few minutes after we arrived, she put the baby in the plastic bassinet and took the brother to get food. At that point the girlfriend mentioned how uncomfortable Primero and especially I seemed. I said I was uncomfortable. She asked why and I had to bite my tongue nearly clear off to keep from being rude. I said, “I don’t think you really want to open that can of worms. This isn’t really what I had in mind for Primero, I’m sure you can understand that.” And then I stopped talking for fear I would get verbal diarrhea and not be able to stop. So, I stood and stayed quiet. I text Primero to ask her to open the gifts, so we could see if she liked them. As we were getting ready to leave her mom and brother came back and she asked her mom to look at the gifts too. And then it was time for us to go get the little ones. As we were leaving and thanking them for letting us visit I told the girlfriend’s mom my name and who I was (Primero’s mom) and her only response was, “oh.” She never introduced herself to me or said anything to Primero.

The TV was on the whole time we were there with innumerable mother’s day commercials flaunting the lauded title of mom as if rubbing salt in my wounds. I haven’t felt this way a in long time. And it’s strange because last year Mother’s Day was so beautiful for me. But, so much has changed. And even with the precious gift of baby Love Bug, the feeling of not being authentically a mom reigns supreme. Maybe it’s just the whole baby thing with the girlfriend that has me quivering in my boots. Maybe it’s still the fear that what I have won’t stay. Maybe I’m just forever as broken as my reproductive system and I will forever spend this time of year trying to hide my shame. I don’t know. I can’t wait for this weekend to be over.


Although I’m sometimes called “mommy” in reality I’m a fraud
I pine and ache to achieve that title, the title of such laud
I wash the dishes, give boo-boo’s kisses
I comb their hair, play truth or dare
I cook them meals, shush angry squeals
I sing silly songs, teach right from wrong
I soothe bad dreams, rub bites with cream
And still I am not quite “real”
I’m flesh and blood with heart and soul
You can prick me and I bleed
But try as I might, I always find I’m not really real
I’m “like” a mom, but not quite there, I’m not the genuine deal
I’m not authentic, I’m a stand-in, a stunt double, a poser if you will
Someday I hope with all my might to truly be a mother
Until that day, that time in space, I guess I’ll just be “other”
For what else can I be?


  1. After reading of your struggles for so long, I wonder if maybe you should consider just adopting baby love bug? Or him and the little girl? Or maybe adopting Primero too, but with the understanding that you are not the type of mom that Love Bug would grow up knowing you as. Just accepting that you won't be to him The Mom. It's hard for me even though I've had M since she was a newborn, I wish I was The Mom but I'm one of her two moms. It has to be enough and usually it is, even if it hurts a little sometimes.

    Can you hold out for an infant only placement if things don't work out with Love Bug? Or somehow take out a second mortgage or whatever and try domestic adoption? I'm sure that these are not new ideas to you, and you've probably considered them a million trillion times. It just seems like the situation with Primero and older children in general opens and stings your wounds, rather than heal them.

  2. I think it would be beyond cruel to kick Primero to the curb at this point. And especially for my own troubles. Things had been ok for a little while, it's just this blasted holiday that seems to have kicked up the emotional dust. That combined with the holiday resting on what would have been my 7th wedding anniversary the week after getting the divorce decree and visiting the maternity ward - it's pretty much the trifecta for a terrible day, let alone a complicated "holiday." But, don't worry I'm in therapy to help me get over it all.......
