Thursday, July 6, 2017

Potty Trained

I really thought potty training Love Bug might kill me. I had this grandiose scheme to get him trained this past weekend because I had four days off from work and that seemed ideal. I read how another mother, working with a child much younger than mine, had her daughter all but trained in one weekend, so I figured two extra days would seal the deal. I could not have been more wrong.


Saturday morning I took of Love Bug’s overnight diaper and stuck him in his big boy undies, making a big deal about him being a big boy and going pee pee on the potty. I sat him on the little potty I’ve had for over a year now and he popped right back up declaring he was done. I set an alarm on my phone and every 15 minutes I would plop him on the potty and tell him to pee, only to have him pop back up and insist he was done. Inevitably, he would have an accident and come find me to tell me he needed to pee. I lost count of how many puddles of pee I cleaned up off the floor or, inexplicably off the reading table in Chica Marie’s bedroom. The laundry began piling up as outfit after outfit was soiled and my frustration grew. I must be doing this wrong, I reasoned. I’m missing something in this whole toilet training ordeal and suffering the consequences of gallons of pee puddles to clean and clean and clean. Dear God, someone save me!


But, we didn’t give up. On the 4th of July I packed the training potty to take to the farm. After four accidents at home I had little hope he was going to ever pee on the potty, let alone in 4 days. That evening, I knew he had to go. I kept sitting him on the potty. By now he thought was a game, so he would sit and chat with me while I begged him to pee. Finally, my mom caught him doing the pee pee dance and I quickly plopped him on his potty. Miraculously, he managed to pee in the toilet and not on the deck! I might have cried a little. I gave him a big hug and a high five and made everyone exclaim what a big boy he was and give him high fives or else suffer the wrath of a exhausted mommy.


I worried about losing momentum with him being in daycare but according to his teachers he went potty 3 times and didn’t have any accidents, although they had a diaper on him, so I wasn’t so sure. This morning I sent him in his big boy underwear. I worried he might have an accident enroute, but he did just fine. He did have a poop accident at home before we left and let’s just say thank God for bleach and leave it at that. So, Love Bug is semi-potty trained!

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