Monday, July 31, 2017


Sunday afternoon we went to the farm so my dad could put another starter on the van (the third one in three years – the last one he put on just before Christmas, so there is some issue that keeps burning out the starters) and check it over for inspection today. The children are allowed to run around and play pretty much anywhere they want, since there is plenty of space to spread out and no neighbors close enough to disturb. We had a nice afternoon and enjoyed dinner together, making our traditional s’mores as the sunset and the lightening bugs came out to play. It took my dad longer than he thought to fix the starter, but fortunately I brought along pajamas and towels to give the kids a bath, so there would be one less thing we needed to do when we got home.


This morning my mom called me practically in tears. She took her car to the car wash this morning and noticed huge scrape marks all along the passenger side of her car. Apparently, Chica Marie took a stone and carved doodles all over my mom’s car – the car she has had for less than a year, the car she adores and parks far away from other cars in parking lots so it wouldn’t get scratched, the car she agonized over purchasing for several months, test driving it multiple times before deciding. She told me she did cry when she saw it. I apologized and offered to pay the cost to fix the damages. My mom wanted to know why Chica Marie would do such a thing, why does she always break things when she is visiting? I felt horrible. I loathed whatever mental issue would cause Chica Marie to be destructive like she was and wished I had made her stay in my sight. I’m sure, if I had asked Chica Marie why she did what she did she would shrug and say, “I don’t know.” And she would only be sorry for the punishment she would receive (which, I don’t even know what that will be – nothing helps).


My mom reiterated her stance that I would regret adopting Chica Marie because she is more damaged than I realize and what will I do in another 10 years when she’s out vandalizing things or worse, grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbing me in my sleep. She worries that the behaviors will wear off on Love Bug, who, in her eyes, still had the ability to be a “good little boy.” She wanted to know what the therapists say, what things I can do to stop the destruction and other troubling behaviors. The conversation ended abruptly because my mom was at work and had to go. As I hung up the phone I realized any hopes I had of my mom baby-sitting Chica Marie were gone. And to think, on our drive up to the farm I was asking  Chica Marie what she would want to call my parents, since when she got adopted they would be her grandparents.  


  1. oh gosh, that's such a difficult situation. I hope that Chica Marie's behaviour starts improving.

  2. I'm so sorry for what both of you are going through. My kid did that to my minivan once. Completely "scribbled" all over the side of with a rock! All while I was getting my younger kid into his bathing suit before we walked down to the beach. Lesson learned: keep both kids in their carseats or in plain view until we're all ready to go!

    You and Chica Marie both deserve a relationship where you love each other and enjoy each other's company. I wish I could be more helpful. Have you heard of the book, "How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk?" I know you're so busy and so stressed and may not have time to read books. But I really think it would be helpful for you.

    Also, I'm curious, what do you like about her? You're about to adopt her and be her mother. Do you have a list of things you like about her. Does she know what you like about her? I think writing out a list would be a good exercise for you. And reading it to her would be good for your relationship.

    You have my email address. Feel free to message me anytime.

    1. You know, funny you should mention writing down what I like. A few weeks ago, when things started going sideways fast, I wrote a list of things I love about Chica Marie. It's on the 'fridge. I don't think I read it to her, but I did tell her what it was. Recently, the list has gone missing. The little guy was blamed, which is likely, but perhaps she did it. Anyway, it would do me good to write it up again. I ordered the books. I also contacted a new counseling services for PCIT or attachment therapy counseling. This would be going through my insurance, since we have to use hers for the TSS and Mobile therapist...

    2. ((hugs))
      You're doing a good job Mama. Some days are hard.

  3. Also, the link above is for a newer version specifically for ages 2-7. The first book might be helpful for you as well. Here's the link, you can decide which would be more appropriate. I really think reading one of these books would be helpful for you. Their tips are very specific.
