Monday, July 17, 2017

Someone is Listening

I finally met with the alternative medical professional regarding my women’s issues (don't you just hate this term?). She was shocked that none of the doctors I had met with during my short infertility stint or since being diagnosed with PCOS had checked my thyroid or hormone levels. She exclaimed, “Is it any wonder you’re having issues if your hormones and thyroid are a mess?” I’m not going to say I’m 100% sold on this yet, but just having someone acknowledge that birth control pills or an IUD are not the answer was HUGE. I’m getting all my levels tested and I do mean ALL; hormones, sugars, thyroid, cortisol, iron, adrenal – you name it, she’s testing it. I feel like finally someone wants to dig to the heart of the matter and get that fixed up rather than just whitewashing over it by controlling the unwanted side-effects. Sure, birth control might have helped with my heavy periods, but it wouldn’t do a thing for my messed up hormones. I go back again next month to talk about what the lab work indicates. At that point she will talk about potential treatment options to get my systems into working order. She mentioned something about bio-identical hormone treatment; non-synthetic hormones made from yams, supposedly. One other thing I will say is that she took the most extensive physical and psychological history anyone has ever done  - literally everything I could remember medically or emotionally from birth to present time. Here’s to hoping the expense (it’s all out-of-pocket) will be worth it and I will begin feeling better soon.

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  1. So glad you're feeling heard and understood. Not being treated like I was a silly child for wanting answers to my issues was one of the most amazing things about seeing my naturopath.

  2. wow that's great! Hope you can find some answers and get good treatment
