Friday, February 2, 2018

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Last week was all good news, rainbows and sunshine. I knew it couldn’t last. I found out yesterday morning that my mom had emergency surgery the night before, while I was out enjoying new friends at a Friends trivia game. She had a cyst on her ovary that had twisted (ovarian torsion), causing her a great deal of pain. While performing the surgery the doctor discovered the cyst had grown into the bowel, so a gastrointestinal specialist was called in to scrape the mass off of her bowel. My uncle text me in the morning, so I called my dad. He gave me the above information but wouldn’t say the word that no one wants to say out loud. I don’t know how they know without testing it, but the cyst was malignant. My dad worried that the doctor wasn’t able to get all of the tumor off of the bowel, but didn’t know what that might mean regarding further treatment. He was concerned about how negative my mom’s attitude was because she self-diagnosed herself with just 6 months to live. He was worried she was giving up. I know my mom doesn’t want to go through chemo or radiation again, I mean who does? But, I don’t know how adamantly she will reject the doctor’s recommendations. In terms of positive outcomes, ovarian cancer and pancreatic cancer are not favorable. I want to remain positive but, with the little information I have, the outlook seems bleak. My mom left the hospital early in the afternoon yesterday, still feeling a good deal of pain. She will be starting chemo treatments next week. Prayers and good vibes are more than welcomed at this point.


  1. Oh, no. Love to you and your family.

  2. I'm so sorry. You're all in our prayers.

  3. I'm really sorry to hear this, and hope that the love coming your way helps sustain you and your mother.
