Thursday, February 15, 2018

Growth Is Hard

Over the weekend I finally got around to digging out all the baby stuff to clean it off for Esperanza’s friend. It ended up being a lot more than I thought. In addition to the crib (which converts into a toddler bed and twin bed), there was the mattress, a stroller, a bag of blankets and burp cloths, a walker, a high chair, a swing, and a bouncy chair. It was exhausting, digging it all out and wiping it off. It was also raining and the backyard was a muddy mess, so having to drag a few of the bigger items out the basement door was also an arduous task. Primero helped me heap it all into the van and there was barely enough room for the kids to fit when it was all tucked inside. Luckily it was a short drive to the girls apartment. Esperanza, Primero and the mom-to-be unloaded the car, I stayed with the kids and handed them items. The girl was appreciative but I heard from Primero and Esperanza that her mom was agitated. Her mom was yelling at her about all the stuff and how she wasn’t supposed to be there (I’m thinking the mom might be getting public assistance for the house and letting her daughter live there illegally? I have no clue). My heart hurt for her so much to know her mother wasn’t excited about having a new grandbaby (or she might be and I just don’t know the whole situation). Esperanza text me stating she cannot keep the crib because it’s too big. So, now I’m faced with the dilemma of either giving her the pack-n-play or offering her the small apartment crib I didn’t want to give away. I have no problem giving her the pack-n-play because I have two of them, but I worry about having a newborn sleeping in it. I just don’t know if it’s safe. I know some pack-n-plays have a sort of hammock for new babies, but this one does not. I really like the small crib and I think my attachment to it is because Love Bug slept in it. He never slept in the convertible crib. Still, I go back to the original thought, which is there is no need for me to hang onto these things. I don’t know if I think I’m totally done family building, maybe I’ll adopt again in like 10 years, but for now it’s not being used and has no prospect of being used in the near future so why not pass it along? I also need to dig out the baby clothing, which I know will be hard for me to part with but again it’s just stashed under my bed taking up space. Ugh, growth is such hard work!


  1. For what it’s worth, there is no reason a newborn can’t sleep in a pack n play. The raised up things are to help new moms who have given birth and might have trouble leaning over. But I don’t think there’s any reason the baby can’t be in the regular pack n play. You can have a tight fitted sheet and nothing else in the crib in there just the same as you can in a regular crib. I’m not sure I’m helping with your desire to make yourself purge things though. 😀

    1. It's not so much that I want to purge, it's that I need to let go of these things. I did give her the pack-n-play and heard her grandmother planned on buying her a bassinet. I don't know that she will have sheets of any kind for the pack-n-play, she had literally nothing until I gave her the items I had. Along with the pack-n-play I sent along the bottles (she should get new nipples, but I'm not sure she will be able to, so maybe I'll try to find some...), all the boy clothing I had from 0-6 months except a few pieces I was attached to because Love Bug wore them, and a few more blankets. I feel better knowing she should be ok with what she has, although I don't know how she'll get the baby home because she doesn't have a car seat...

    2. What a tough situation. You are so kind to be there to help out. Perhaps already having all those things you generously gave her will free up her and her family’s resources to get a car seat or other necessities. Also- just read the newest post- and I’m so glad your thyroid is fine.
