Sunday, December 16, 2018

Random Act of Kindness - Day 16

So, I cracked today. I told the kids in the morning, after breakfast, we would do something nice for one another for our act of kindness today. I decided I would put clean sheets on the kids beds. Usually, I make them do it, so it seemed like a simple enough thing. But, the kids have bunkbeds. And, as I remembered while making Chica Marie's bed, I don't usually make her bed because I cannot get onto her bed and back down safely. I was stuck on top of her bed the second time I crawled up to adjust her bed spread. It occurred to me, as I was gathering my strength and resolve to climb back down off the top bunk, I don't think this whole kindness thing is working out the way I had hoped. Of my three kids, I have one who is not participating at all (Primero), one who will only do fun things or only be involved briefly (Love Bug) and one who seems to like it but also seems to lose interest fast (Chica Marie). But, for me, it's been all the planning, all the ideas, all the execution and at this point it is grueling. Especially, since my goal of teaching my children doing kind things for people without expecting anything can be rewarding in and of itself. It seems I am teaching them the opposite as I struggle to find ways to keep doing kind acts every day. I know we are in the home stretch, with just a week and change until Christmas (new stressor - OMG! It's almost Christmas!). So, we soldier on. And, if we do this again, it will be a much shorter endeavor.

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